log source changed
First level header
Third level header
Second level header
This is a normal paragraph.
And A Header
And a paragraph
This is a blockquote.
And A Header
This is a blockquote. on multiple lines that may be lazy.
This is the second paragraph.
code with tildes
def what?
- kram
- down
- now
- kram
- down
- now
- This is the first line. Since the first non-space characters appears in column 3, all other indented lines have to be indented 2 spaces. However, one could be lazy and not indent a line but this is not recommended.
- This is the another item of the list. It uses a different number of spaces for indentation which is okay but should generally be avoided.
The list item marker is indented 3 spaces which is allowed but should also be avoided and starts the third list item. Note that the lazy line in the second list item may make you believe that this is a sub-list which it isn’t! So avoid being lazy!
First list item
Second list item
- Last list item
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